All About Raccoon Dogs

Raccoon dogs, often mistakenly thought to be a cross between domestic dogs and actual raccoons, are a fascinating species of canine that have piqued the interest of many.
How AI-Generated Articles Are Hurting Marble Foxes

The “Canadian Marble Fox” mentioned in these viral posts is nothing more than a mythical creation, and most of the content surrounding it on the internet is fake.
Animal Camouflage: Giving ‘em the ‘ol Razzle (Motion) Dazzle

While most of us are familiar with the tactics of animals like the chameleon or the arctic fox, who simply aim to blend in with their surroundings, some species evolved to hide by dazzling their audience. This is motion dazzle.
The Importance of Taurine in Animal Diets

When it comes to keeping your exotic pet healthy, developing a diet that contains all the nutrients your animal needs is essential. One such nutrient required by many species of exotic pet is the amino acid called taurine What is taurine? Taurine is a type of amino acid. For those unfamiliar with what amino acids […]
How Much Does a Pet Fox Cost?

How Much Does a Pet Fox Cost? One question we get quite frequently is “How much does a pet fox cost?” Now, I am sure most people asking that are only wondering how much the actual fox costs. The truth, however, is that buying the fox is the cheap part! After you buy the animal […]
Exotic Pets and Child Safety

Are exotic pets safe around children? As someone with over fifty animals on my property–raccoons, bobcats, foxes, etc–I frequently get asked how my kids do with the animals. This question is generally followed by “What exotic pets can you recommend for households with children?” These are both complex questions, but I’ll try to break it […]
Canadian Marble Foxes aren’t what you think!

Canadian Marble Foxes are not what you think! So I’ve got to be honest, when I hear the term Canadian marble fox, I cringe. The term “marble fox” itself already confuses people–marble foxes are just marble patterned red foxes, not a different species. And when the topic of Canadian marble foxes comes up? The confusion […]
Is it legal to have a pet raccoon dog?

Is it legal to have a pet raccoon dog? No, you cannot have a raccoon dog as a pet. Raccoon dogs, also known as tanukis, are 100% illegal to keep as pets in the United States. Not only is having a pet raccoon dog illegal, possessing a raccoon dog in any capacity is illegal except […]
Rabies Questions and Answers

What is Rabies? Rabies is a viral disease caused by the Lyssavirus family of viruses that results in encephalitis (brain inflammation.) The most common cause of rabies (and the only cause in the United States) is Rabies lyssavirus. In other parts of the world, rabies can also be caused by various species of Bat Lyssaviruses. […]
Social Media’s Exotic Pet Problem

Social Media’s Exotic Pet Problem Viral videos of pet foxes and raccoons make my life harder. Don’t get me wrong, I think they are adorable and I love watching them, but these videos also result in me having to do more paperwork. Allow me to explain: If you’re on social media, then you’ve seen viral […]